Thursday, March 10, 2011

A cobra named Moses killed Sara Palmer.

My parents were hosting a party. I was helping clean up. There was this important box that I had to keep safe, as it was vital to the success of this party, so I was carrying it with me. I started putting things in the random stuff drawers all over our house , and over the course of doing this I found a Game Boy Color cartridge for every Pokemon game that ever existed for GBC, and some that have never existed on any system (for example, "Pokemon Sparkly"). I started planning to buy a new Game Boy Color and play every single one of these games in succession rather than replay Soul Silver when I finish.
When I was done with my search, because by the end it had indeed turned into a search and not helping clean the house, I was in the basement. I'd wanted to check my old toy box. My parents came down, turned on the light and started yelling at me for losing the box. I showed it to them, and followed them upstairs.
The Ballards and the Ashland family were there. The party was taking place outside, in a tent in the backyard. Andrew Ballard, my cousin and I decided to take a walk. We walked for about 10 miles along the side of a 6-lane highway in the middle of nowhere. We found a cobra, and named him Moses for some reason. We put a little collar on him and led him around. Eventually we made our way back to the house without turning around.
I took my comrades down to the basement to show them my plethora of Pokemon cartridges. Then we heard a lot of yelling from upstairs. One of the dogs had fallen ill. The cops came over to figure this out. Andy and Lucy from Twin Peaks were there. The chief suspect in this case was Moses. I looked everywhere for proof that Moses didn't do it, but I couldn't find any and they took him away.
At the end of the dream I had to get Andy and Lucy to confess their love for each other.

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